The first time I got my monthly bill I didn't realize my payments would be
going through an exchange rate conversion and therefore my bill was a few
cents over the $10 I had expected. I immediately sent an email to support
and received a quick response giving me credit on the following bill. Since
then I see that my bills have consistently been a few cents below the
$10/month fee and I can't tell you how appreciated I felt to find a company
who cares more about my satisfaction than haggling over a few cents!
Then, recently I forgot that my credit card expired and that my email
address had changed since starting with Server101. When my service stopped,
I sent an email and received an immediate response explaining what the
problem was. I fixed my billing and contact information and service was
re-established immediately. What I found extraordinary was that I was given
30 days of free service as a grace period. When Server101 charged my
account, they just billed me for the current month, essentially giving me a
free month. This kind of corporate culture and character stands heads and
shoulders above anything I have experienced in the United States.
You have earned a loyal lifetime customer and also get free promotion from
me to everyone I know. Keep up the good work Server101!