Hello Server101!
It is rare that I have the time much less a reason to write a letter like
this but I felt compelled to do so when I realized that one of the reasons I
had the time is because of your excellent service. Your hosting service is so
good I rarely if ever have to think about it! It seems these days we are so
quick to criticize incompetence but fail to recognize excellence. From the
initial setup to the first sale, the whole process went smooth.
It has been a pleasure working with Martial (I can't remember his last name or
title) He has been very helpful in understanding our needs and working with
us to make the site work the way we needed. I especially enjoy the back end
of the site with regard to the traffic statistics. Very helpful information.
Again, I just thought I would take the time to say "Thanks" for a job well
done! Keep up the good work.